14 de marzo de 2013

Science Unit 11

Tomorrow we have our science exam for unit 11.
Here are some of the best maps. Well done to Álvaro, Lucia and Nadia!!

11 de marzo de 2013

Science Unit 11 - Censo

We have been learning about a census.
Here you can find different information about the last census in Spain.

If there is anything interesting or suprising, tell your class about it!



Clase ecológica

Congratulations to the girls and boys in 4ºB for being an eco-friendly class!!

We have a new class mascot called Zheila!

6 de marzo de 2013

El sueño de Niki

¡Hola chicos!

Como sabéis, esta semana hemos comenzado el nuevo tema de Lengua: "El sueño de Niki"
Por eso quiero recordaros que en la página de Lengua encontraréis enlaces a  recursos on-line para repasar los contenidos que trabajaremos en clase.

1 de marzo de 2013

Science Unit 10 Maps

Well done to the girls and boys in 4A  and 4B for their fantastic mind maps.
It was very difficult to choose a winner, so we voted because we are in a .....DEMOCRACY!!!!

Ana and Gadea won the competition this time, but we are showing all of them as they are all wonderful!